PICKUP: tuesdaYS, 2 PM to 7 pm

if you’d prefer to stay in your car, send us a text message and we will run your order out to you. Otherwise, please text when you’re here or come to the door and we’ll greet you!

> 215-798-0053 <

Delivery: TuesdaYS, 1 PM to 3 PM

please indicate your time preference in your order and we will try to accommodate. You can choose delivery if you are in South Philly, Center City, Fishtown, NoLibs, Kenzo, West Philly, Manayunk, Germantown, and East Falls. Choose the appropriate delivery option at checkout!

** Order deadline is always the saturday beforehand at noon, but please note dishes may sell out sooner.**

We’ll always provide you with warming instructions for your orders.